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Ordered Dictionary

Combines the features of a dictionary and a list, allowing key-value pairs to be stored in a specific order and accessed efficiently by their keys.


  • Maintains the order of key-value pairs, which can be useful for scenarios where the order of insertion or access is important.
  • Provides the functionality of a dictionary, allowing for fast key-based lookups.
  • Supports generic TKey and TValue types, making it flexible for various data types.


  • Slightly higher memory usage compared to a regular dictionary due to the need to store the order of items.
  • Some operations may be slower compared to a regular dictionary due to maintaining the order.

Hypothetical Use Case:

Suppose you are building a task management application, and you need to maintain a list of tasks for a project while preserving the order in which they were added. An OrderedDictionary can be useful in this scenario to store and manage tasks associated with a project.

using System.Collections;

namespace Extended.Collections.Playground.Generic.Specialized;

public class OrderedDictionarySandbox : Sandbox
private OrderedDictionary<string, string> m_tasks = new ();

protected override void Run()
// Add tasks to the project in a specific order.
m_tasks.Add("Task1", "Complete research");
m_tasks.Add("Task2", "Write documentation");
m_tasks.Add("Task3", "Test functionality");

// Access tasks by their keys while maintaining their order.
Console.WriteLine("Project Tasks:");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in m_tasks)
Console.WriteLine($"TaskId: {entry.Key}");

// Remove
m_tasks.RemoveAt(1); // Remove by index
m_tasks.Remove("Task1"); // Remove by key

Logger.Information("Value: {Value}", m_tasks);
// 1. [ 'Task2' ] = "Write documentation"
// 2. [ 'Task3' ] = "Test functionality"